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Flashback Residents

Pavilion A is the space dedicated to welcoming the protagonists of the territory.

On the one hand, it hosts the project
Living Rooms   that
reactivates the some of the pavilion rooms through site-specific works, rooms that, once finished, are lived in by associations.
On the other hand, there are the
artists studios : we give the chance to artists living in the metropolitan area to have a studio in the art center.
Finally, the pavilion hosts the
artist residencies  that are dedicated to specific projects with hospitality in the centre's guesthouse.

Apply to adopt a Living Room

Ask your question to share your artistic project with us or request a room as an atelier

 Stanze Viventi / Living Rooms 

The project was born with the intention of reactivating the rooms of Pavilion A of the former IPI (a city orphanage until the 1980s) abandoned since 2011 and to do so through art, transforming these rooms into environments pulsating with meaning and relationship . The project develops in two phases. In the first, the artists intervened on the spaces, reinterpreting them through their own sensitivity and expressive language. In the second phase, the rooms are inhabited, experienced and activated by other subjects: associations, artists, musicians, collectives, who further transform them with their presence, giving life to a continuous exchange between past, present and future. The fundamental point is living, life in its thousand facets, the past life of places, the present in the artist's relationship with the other, the future with the relationship of the work with the lives of others. Artworks that falls within a merely “expositive” logic accepts that the public remains such, with Stanze Viventi the elements of the project are strictly conjugated with the dimension of life. The artist does not limit himself to exhibiting, but enters into dialogue with the place and with those who will pass through it after him. The work is not designed for a passive public, but to be an active part of an experience that involves bodies, gestures, stories and identities.

Inhabiting these rooms means taking them out of oblivion and anonymity, giving them back a soul through art and life. In this sense, the project opposes the logic of “non-places” – neutral spaces, passageways, devoid of relationships – to instead create places full of meaning, in which art becomes a tool for transformation and social regeneration.

Artists' studios 

Flashback Habitat was born as an ecosystem for sharing meaning, ideas, stories and life. For this reason, we chose to share the place that was entrusted to us with others, giving artists living in Turin and looking for a studio the chance to find welcome and opportunities. The center offers work spaces dedicated to artistic production, creating a context in which individual practice intertwines with collective dialogue. The artist ateliers become places of exchange, experimentation and comparison, where each artist can develop their own language in a stimulating environment.

Artist Residencies

The residency project provides the possibility of hosting artists in the guesthouse of the center, also giving them a studio for the realization of a specific project dedicated to the place that hosts it. A residency that favors research and experimentation in a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment.

The selected artists come to the residency to develop innovative projects, participate in workshops and interact with the public. The residency encourages the contamination between languages, enhancing the collective dimension of the creative process. Furthermore, it offers moments of exhibition and presentation of the works created.

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