Il Circolino
Bar / Bistrot

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The Circolino is the place of conviviality, of the creative welcome of Flashback Habitat. It is much more than a Bar/Bistro: it is a free zone, a space for meeting and discussion that feeds on different times: the present time, the life lived, the one to come.
Hence its name that recalls the circularity of life. Everything here is "Opera Viva" : the people who enter, the works on the walls, the objects and words that inhabit the space.
At Circolino, art and existence coexist in simple, everyday gestures: being and eating together, listening to music, a talk, recognizing oneself in the stories and lives of others.
Thursday 6pm - 12am
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11am - 12am
Information and reservations
+39 393 6455301
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Immerse yourself in works and installations, sipping a coffee, a drink or tasting the dishes of our Bistrot
Works on exhibition Pad.C:
Sandro Mele, ERO NESSUNA, 2023
Installazione site specific
Salone centrale
Henry Eric Hernàndez & Maryse Goudreau, Top Models (Pioneras), 2003-2014.
Trittico di foto
Salone del Camino
Luis Gòmez Armenteros, Miserere (Avant-Garde), 2011-2019
Salone del Camino
Michel Vecchi, Mushrooms, 2024
Funghi in legno recuperato ricoperti di specchi
Salone del Camino
Turi Rapisarda, FOTOGRAFIE, 1989-1998
Sergio Cascavilla, Un grandissimo bastardo, 2010
Acrilico su legno
Monica Carocci, Zanzara, 2021
Stampa fotografica su carta baritata
Alessandro Bulgini, Opera Viva - Decoro urbano su cartoni del mercato di Barriera di Milano, 2014
Gesso su cartone
Alessandro Bulgini, Hairetikos, 2014
Acrilico su tela tonda
Sala Bar
Alessandro Bulgini, mater, 2023
Luce d'Artista
Tetto Pad. C